The GRETE project receives funding from the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU) under its Research & Innovation Actions (RIA) programme. Aim of the RIA calls is to fill the technological gaps within specific value chains, leading to the development of new knowledge and technologies by supporting European research and development. Strength of the GRETE initiative is a coalition of strong partners anchored in different fields of activity – research, consultancy, industry – and operating at the leading edge of innovation.
Being a BBI RIA project, GRETE’s focus is on the research activities thus based on the valuable contributions of three higher education institutions: BOKU (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences), UAVR (University of Aveiro), UH (University of Helsinki) and a large research organisation VTT (Technical Research Centre of Finland) acting also as the project coordinator.
Interested in what European researchers are working on thanks to the BBI JU funding? Have a look at these short videos.
In particular, the initiative counts on a high number of female researchers and experts contributing with their knowhow and competence to the achievement of the project goals. In fact, over 60% of the staff involved in GRETE are women responding to the European Commissions’ demand for gender balanced work groups. Want to keep updated about GRETE progress and the people who make it happen?